October Stats for Santa Barbara MLS Districts, East & West of State.

Houses: There were 46 sales which was up a bit from 35 last month but down a bit from last October. YTD, 409 homes have sold, which is running BEHIND by 32% compared to last year. The YTD Median Sales Price is $2,187,000, up 25% from last year. There were only 61 homes for sale as of October, which is less than half of what we have in a normal market. On average homes are selling within 30 days at 94.9% of the list price.

Condos - There were 11 sales in October, the lowest level compared to the prior 2 Octobers. YTD 146 condos have sold, which is behind by 35% over last year. The YTD Median Sales Price was $1,028,500, up 11% YTD. There were 15 condos for sale as of October, which is really low compared to around 50-60 pre-pandemic. On average Santa Barbara condos are selling within 22 days on the market at around 97.1% of the list price.