September real estate statistics in Santa Barbara.

Houses: There were 35 sales which was down from 56 last month and a lot lower than the 66 sales last September. YTD, 363 homes have sold, which is down 34% from last year. The YTD Median Sales Price is $2,200,000, up 26% from last year. There were 71 homes for sale as of September, very low compared to around 170-180 pre-pandemic. On average homes are selling within 30 days at 96.4% of the list price.

Condos: There were 12 sales in September, down from 18 last year and 17 last month. YTD 134 condos have sold, which is 33% down from last year. The YTD Median Sales Price was $1,022,000, up 11% YTD. There were 14 condos for sale as of September, low compared to around 20 pre-pandemic. On average Santa Barbara condos are selling within 27 days on the market at around 98.5% of the list price. Come back next week to hear what's going on in Montecito.