September real estate statistics in Goleta.

Houses: There were 19 sales which was around the same as last month and down quite a bit from 32 sales last September. YTD, 207 homes have sold, which is down 19% from last year. The YTD Median Sales Price is $1,600,000, up 21% from last year. There were 18 homes for sale as of September, way lower than around 60-70 pre-pandemic. On average homes are selling within 30 days at 100.3% of the list price.

The Martin Minute | Goleta | September 2022 Review Video

Condos: There were 11 sales in September, down from 15 last year and about level with last month. YTD 109 condos have sold, which is down 23% from last year. The YTD Median Sales Price was $875,000, up 16% YTD. There were 11 condos for sale as of September, lower compared to around 20-30 pre-pandemic. On average Goleta condos are selling within 26 days on the market at around 100.7% of the list price.

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Taryn Martin is a Santa Barbara Realtor at Sotheby’s specializing in Goleta and Santa Barbara real estate. To view available listings, please visit

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